Monday, July 6, 2009

Scene One, Take Two

I finally started - again!

I originally started this project with Marissa in June 2008. We entered a local contest called "The 48 Hour Film Festival". Marissa wrote the story and recorded the narration. She did a great job. My part was to create our story in 3D. Even though I made a HUGE effort in creating the models, I did not have time to render out the animation - even if I wanted to. Nor did I finish the models. I don't know what I was thinking. We even picked out the music!

So I thought about showing it at the following film festival a couple months later. But I didn't make that one too. So we thought about making it for 2009. But I missed the contest entirely! I didn't hear about the contest until a week after the deadline. Bummer. So - over a year later, I thought I should get back on it and just finish it!

Here are a couple shots from that first attempt: (above picture and below)

So now, Marissa is a year older and so is our story. :(

But there's hope! SO I finally got around to it again. Here are some new pics of the project.

This is a shot of the modeling process. I used many reference photos and took many measurements at the site - which I forgot to mention was the Benicia Public Library.

And this last test shot. I remodeled the fountain this year and finished most of the landscape - except for the plants. Remember, I have to model everything! I actually did not model the cool looking tree. I downloaded it from Turbo Squid.

More to come!

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